Sen Friends With Benefit — Sentre’s 5th Gold Drops

Sentre Protocol
2 min readJan 28, 2022


Bring a friend and get yourselves 10 SNTR each! Sen Friends With Benefit is giving golds to all!

Sentre Golden Month is almost over — Time to jump in the profit train before it’s gone! For the 5th gold drop, Sentre is bringing out a classic and fun activity for you to enjoy with your friends. Sen Friends With Benefit is a referral program that is beneficial to everyone!

The rules are super simple.

For the Inviters

  • Get your personal referral link at → The ≡ icon → User
  • Invite your friends to connect their wallet on Sentre through your link
  • Make sure your friends follow the rest of the instructions below!

For the invitees

  • Enter the link provided by your friend, then connect your wallet
  • Click on the ≡ icon at the top right corner → User, then scroll down
  • Paste your friend’s referral link into the text box and press Confirm
  • Switch to the Apps tab. Go to Sen Swap and swap at least 100 USD

That’s all! Now both of you are going to receive 10 SNTR as your golds!

Jump in before it’s over

Sen Friends With Benefit is the 5th activity in a series of 6 golden events for our Sentizens, which means… it’s almost over! Sen Friends With Benefit will take place from January 27 to February 28, 2022. Head to NOW before it’s too late!

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Sentre Protocol

All-in-One Solana Open Platform with DApps Store and Universal Protocol for Liquidity